Trusted, Reliable & Competent

Established in 2018, PT. Jaringan Solusi Teknik (JST) is an Indonesian service provider that serve one-stop solution for any common business areas in telecommunication and IT industries, priority in deployment, operation and maintenance infrastructure.

PT. Jaringan Solusi Teknik (JST) is a subsidiary of Kopindosat Groups and the shareholders are owned by Kopindosat (80%) and Persada (20%). JSTeknik ensures that our society, infrastructure and devices are connected and integrated. We build BTS Tower, fiber networks, Wi-Fi, in-building system and mobile networks. We work in close cooperation with telco companies in site survey, design, construction, installation, testing, commissioning, operation, preventive and corrective maintenance. And we connect many different types of equipment and devices. We also have a unique ability to integrate all these competencies into different tailored solutions. In short, we connect the future.

Our clients are in several industries, serving different client bases in return. Our experience has granted our people the skill set to provide the solution needed and proper services package to grow our partners business.

We pride ourselves on providing exactly what our clients need. We are commited to provide the same intensity of dedication to every project that we undertake. With us, partners can count on service deliverables.

Meet Our Management

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships

Baden Saprudin JSTeknik
Baden Saprudin

Mr. Baden Saprudin, He was appointed to serve as the Company’s President Commissioner of PT.Jaringan Solusi Teknik since 2018. Currently, He also serves as Director of Corporate Services & Regional Kopindosat. Before serving the company, he worked for PT Indosat Ooredoo Tbk. His latest appointment as VP Network Planning and Head of Radio Access Network.

MS Sucahyo JSTeknik
M.S. Sucahyo

Mr. Sucahyo, has served as Commissioner since September 2018. Currently he worked at Personel Alih Daya (Persada) as Group Head of Corporate Marketing Strategy and Group Head of Regional in 2018. Before serving the company he worked for PT Indosat Tbk as Group Head Regional of East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara in 2016

Wahono JSTeknik

Mr. Wahono has served as Commissioner of PT.Jaringan Solusi Teknik since 2018. Currently, He also serves as President Director of Kopindosat Group. Before serving the company, he worked for PT Indosat Tbk, and his latest position as VP – Head of Opex Accounting & Area Coordination.

Muhammad Riduan JSTeknik
Muhammad Riduan

Mr. M. Ridwan, He was appointed as Commissioner of PT.Jaringan Solusi Teknik since 2022. Currently, He worked for PT. Indosat Ooredoo as Group Head Network and Project in 2019 and as SVP Head of Network Deployment in 2021.

President Director & CEO

Mr. Ikfarhadi currently serving as President Director and CEO of PT.Jaringan Solusi Teknik since 2021. Careers before serving the company, he worked for PT. Indosat Ooredoo Tbk, he is experienced in Technology, Operation, and services. His latest appointment as Project Advisor from 2020 to 2021 and as SVP Technology Partnership and Special Project in 2019.

Gamareza Radjasa JSTeknik
Gamareza Radjasa
Director & CMO

Mr Gamareza was appointed in 2022 to serve as Director Marketing and Sales of PT.Jaringan Solusi Teknik. Before serving the company, he worked for PT. Indosat Ooredoo Tbk, He is experienced in tower business, telco operation and services. His latest position as SVP – Group Head of Tower Management from 2014 until 2021, and SVP of Executive Project Management Office in 2013.

Eddy Rizal
Chief Operating Officer, COO

Mr. Eddy currently serving as Chief Operating Officer, COO of PT.Jaringan Solusi Teknik since 2022. Before serving the company, he worked for PT. Indosat Ooredoo Tbk. He is experienced in Technology Network Operation and services in Regional Area. His latest position as VP Network Operation in Technology (2018).
